J & D Pharmaceuticals has developed a lead compound called JD-005 for use in slowing disease progression of ADPKD in patients starting in childhood and continued into adulthood. JD-005 treatment in the animal model of ADPKLD, next to restoring energy metabolism toward wildtype levels, also affected cell proliferation and inflammation. JD-005 positively affected major dysregulated processes in ADPKD: energy metabolism, cell proliferation, and inflammation, providing more insights into its working mechanisms.
In a head-to-head comparison of JD-005 against the FDA approved medication Jynarque (chemically known as tolvaptan), the results indicated JD-005 to be equally effective in reducing kidney weight to body weight ration and cystic index. Combining JD-005 with Jynarque (tolvaptan) suggested a potential added benefit to Jynarque alone.
“I am a fortunate recipient of a combined kidney and liver transplant to due cystic growths on both of these organs. Many others are not as fortunate as I. I am urging researchers, the federal government, private foundations, investors as well as all pharmaceutical companies to pay more attention to this disease by funding companies which show strong preclinical evidence of efficacy of medications to treat my condtion. J & D Pharmaceuticals has developed a medication that is as effective as the only FDA approved medication for ADPKD (Jynarque) in the animal model of ADPKD. It is called JD-005 and it might be much safer than Jynarque. I understand that these two medications have been combined safely and effectively in the animal model of ADPKD. I sincerely hope it receives the proper funding to conduct the human trials as soon as possible.”
– B Fox
Renal/liver transplant patient, 2024.